iasi, romania, homemade, soaps, cosmetics

Saturday, December 21, 2013

black sea sand soap/săpun cu nisip de la marea neagră

A good friend gave me some sand that she brought in the summer from the Black Sea. This is the finest sand I've ever seen, it's almost like a powder and it gives soap a delicate peeling effect. For color I paired it with spirulin and for scent with lemon verbena. This is a palm free soap, with coconut oil, olive oil, cocoa butter, avocado oil and castor oil. This soap is very well suited for face care, and was a nice occasion for me to try out some of my new pretty molds.
[O bună prietenă mi-a dăruit niște nisip adus de ea de la Marea Neagră. E cel mai fin nisip pe care l-am văzut, aproape ca o pudră - și oferă săpunului un efect de peeling foarte delicat. Pentru culoare i-am adăugat spirulină iar pentru miros  - verbină exotică. Săpunul mai are în compoziție ulei de cocos, măsline, unt de cacao, ulei de avocado și ricin, fiind foarte potrivit pentru îngrijirea feței. Iar de noile forme nici nu mai zic, ca mi-s tare dragi :).]


  1. Cat de delicat e, Iulia! Iar formele sunt superbe!

  2. Multumesc, Natalia! Sa ai un Craciun fericit, plin de caldura si iubirea celor dragi!

  3. Your new moulds look great, Iulia. I particularly like 'one leaf' mould (but get, they are all 'one leaf' moulds, lol).
    This soap sounds lovely and your photos are sooo beautiful.

    1. Thank you so much, Maja, for your beautiful words!

    2. I just saw today 'Lush' had a mould like yours (the first one). I don't doubt your soap is better,though!
      Wow, autocorrect made my 'hey' word into 'get'. Awkward!

    3. Well, I saw something similar at L'Occitane, and the ideea stuck with me :) You know how it is... I had no rest 'till I could make my own leaf soap ...

  4. I am impressed with the green you achieved. I tried spirulina several times but I was not such successful. Beautiful ingredients combination and soap molds are perfect!

    1. Thank you Gordana! Avocado oil also contributed to this green... I used 15 % in this recipe.

  5. buna ziua
    cum se pot comanda produsele dvs? multumesc

    1. Buna ziua, va rog sa-mi scrieti pe julicu@gmail.com sau sa-mi lasati o adresa de email, ca sa va dau mai multe detalii. Multumesc mult pentru interes, astept mesajul dumneavoastra.


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