iasi, romania, homemade, soaps, cosmetics

Friday, August 16, 2013

Massage oil / Ulei de masaj

I think we don't realize yet how beneficial massage is for our body, no matter if it's self massage or if it's done by a person dear to us or by a specialist. It is a basic need of our body and psyche, to be touched, to feel that you exist, that somebody else ascertains your presence in this world.

It may sound pretentious but it's so true. For massage, you can choose one or a mix of vegetable and essential oils depending on your skin necessities and massage purpose (relaxation, circulation, anti-cellulite etc.)

It is important to know that applying a simple vegetable oil can bring huge benefits to your skin, as raw vegetable oils are a complex of mono and poli-unsaturated fats, anti-oxidants, vitamins and an entire army of other nourishing elements.

[Un mix de uleiuri vegetale speciale pentru masaj (ulei de susan, galbenele, migdale dulci sau oricare altul dupa preferinte si necesitatile pielii). 

Mixul aromatic este de asemenea obtinut dintr-un melanj de uleiuri esentiale asociate nevoilor pielii si scopului masajului (relaxare, circulator, anticelulitic etc.) 

Toate ingredientele sunt naturale. Uleiul natural, vegetal, spre deosebire de cel mineral, este absorbit de piele si ii furnizeaza acesteia un complex de fitosteroli, acizi grasi mono-nesaturati si poli-nesaturati, vitamine si alti compusi importanti pentru hranirea pielii in profunzime.]

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